
Sarah Kane - Final Showing

Wednesday 4th July     This is the video of the extract as I performed it in lesson for my final piece for Sarah Kane. I think that it was fairly successful in portraying the intensity and anger of The Soldier, but in the moment I lost that conversational and offhand tone I'd experimented  with. If I were to perform this again I would incorporate more of that element in the speech as I think it suited his character well and would be more unsettling and fit with Kane's shocking style. However, out of the context of the scene I feel it was still effective as a monologue and exemplified the message that I think Kane was putting across; about challenging the social norm in our society of ignoring the awful crimes in distant wars because they do not directly affect us and making us acknowledge these issues are really, in all their horror.

Sarah Kane - Blasted Extract

Whilst I was rehearsing my monologue, I experimented with different intonations and emphasis and tried a range of emotions behind certain points in the speech. I felt that since his character has seen and committed unspeakable things, he would be unlikely to get upset in a choked-up way when he was talking about what happened to Col as it seems he's had a lot of time to come to terms with it and has thought about it a lot. Therefore I felt that section would be more of an angry tone as this event is what fuels his desire for revenge and the cruelty he talks about in his scene. Yet there could still be an element of pain for him when he remembers it as it was undoubtedly a traumatic experience, so I tried to incorporate that too. 1st run through of monologue Just before he says to "tell them you saw me", the Soldier says how when he goes home, "it's like it never happened"; I thought about how this is a kind of paradox for the Soldier as, in a...

Sarah Kane - Blasted

Backup Link:

Introduction to Sarah Kane

Wednesday 27th June Backup Link:

Brecht - Brief Final Review

Wednesday 27th June Backup Link:

Brecht - Rehearsals

Wednesday 20th June Below are clips of analysis for the extracts in rehearsal: Full run: Full run: Backup link:

Brecht - Beginning 'Our Country's Good'

Wednesday 13th June  In this week's lesson we discussed how Brecht used the idea of 'gestus' in his work and began to think about how we could use it or how it would effect different aspects of 'Our Country's Good' (as pictured below). Gestus is the idea that the gestures, body language, movement and voice of a character should be should be deliberately used and exaggerated to heighten the social comment Brecht (or the playwright) was making by using that character. The social message is therefore enhanced by that character's costume and surroundings, for example using period uniform to show the authority and era of the authorities on the convict camp. Below are some examples we analysed in class of how Brecht used elaborate costume and sets in his work to maintain the historicism of his plays. Here are some of our own ideas on how we could possibly stage some of the scenes from 'Our Country's Good' if we had the funds and ...