
Showing posts from September, 2016

Ideas around Antigone

Lesson - Monday 26th September 2016 Full log: We only looked at the first page from the play Antigone - this is the extract we used when we began experimenting with staging the opening.

Blood Wedding

We started the lesson by creating a simple movement in pairs where we couldn't break contact with one another. In our pair we started back to back, then turned so our foreheads touched, before sinking to our knees, then straightening again and turning around so we were back to back like we were to begin with. We then were told to make this movement show the meeting of two strangers who fell in love. We did this by making our movements slow and gentle and used our facial expressions to show our feelings of affection. We also added moments where our hands met and when we turned to face each other with our heads bent forwards we gently placed a hand on the others face and this created a really tender, intimate moment in our movement. After this we moved to the studio space to see a stimulus - the room was dark except for a warm spotlight on a raised table with a low back light of blue and a circular pattern on the wall from the light which reminded me of fallen l...