
Showing posts from October, 2016

N2C - Brainstorm: The Girl

Sunday 30th October Full Log:

N2C - Rehearsals

Wednesday 19th October - N2C Full Log:

Physical Theatre ~ Pina Bausch

Wednesday 19th October - Lesson Full Log: Whilst researching Pina Bausch I found a really helpful, detailed website recounting the journey of Pina's life and career which really helped me understand and appreciate the background to her style and the work that she did -  

Machine of Tragedy

Wednesday 12th October - Lesson Full Log:


Monday 10th October - Lesson Full Log: I find the idea of metatheatre quite an interesting one, as by drawing the audience's attention to the fact that you are characters in a play and are just 'playing your part', you stop the piece being as realistic and believable. However, when you break the fourth wall in this way, especially in Antigone, it has a different effect on the audience. Instead of distancing them from the action of the play, I think it makes the audience more emotionally involved in what is going on and creates a sense of hopelessness because it emphasises the inevitability of Antigone's tragedy and what the prologue warned the audience about at the very start of the play. Jean Anouilh has used this very skilfully to his advantage and makes the audience empathise with the characters more, for example at one point in the play Creon says to Antigone "I've got the villain's part and you're cast as the h...

Stanislavksi - Emotional Memory

Lesson - Wednesday 5th October Log Part 1: Stanislavski workshop, thoughts and feelings Log Part 2: Applying emotional memory to Antigone

N2C - Blocking First Section

N2C - Wednesday 5th October 2016 Full Log: Note: Med (director) is directing 'Purple' to be performed in Stanislavski's style so we are aiming to make it seem as realistic and natural as possible.

Frantic Assembly

Monday 3rd October - Lesson We started the lesson with an exercise where we walked around the space and chose someone who we would feel safe around and want to be with and someone who we'd be afraid of, and let this affect the way we moved and responded to the people in the space. For example as we were told to make the feelings more intense we became aware of someone following us as well as being more fearful of the person we had identified and more desperate to be close to the person that made us feel safe. For the character I made, I felt the panic building up as the person I felt would protect me was with the person I feared and I found this created confusing mix of jealousy and desperation in my character, I wanted to find a way to split them up so I could have that person to protect me but was scared of the consequences. We then discussed how the theatre practitioner Stanislavski used the idea of everybody having different objectives/moti...

N2C - Initial Rehearsal

Thursday 29th September In this session of N2C we were introduced to our director and the play we would be exploring. The cast I am part of will be looking at the play 'Purple' by Jon Fosse. It is a simple story of a group of teenagers who are in a band and rehearse in a cellar under a disused factory - but it focuses on the relationships between them all and the complex array of emotions teenagers experience at this stage of their lives. We were given our roles in this session (though only 3 of the 5 in our cast were there) and began considering the characters and their given circumstances, ie what their backgrounds were and what they would be feeling or thinking about during the play. The three main characters are "The Girl", "The Boy" and "The Drummer" - we talked about how each of these characters represents a core emotion in a way, the Girl being promiscuity, the Boy being pain/sadness and the Drummer being anger/violence. By acknowle...