Rehearsing in the Soil

Saturday 18th March

Once we had the wooden set as well we could finalise prop placement - which compartment we needed to put certain props/costume in, the order they needed to be placed in so we could access them quickly and easily etc. One challenge we found was the placement of the machetes as there were only 3 blunted ones which could be used in performance and they were needed by different people at certain times so we had to work how to move them between: the opening fight sequence, the guards getting into character, the tumbril scene, Antigone's arrest and then the final scene between Antigone and Binns. We found that we could use the interval to reset the machetes for the arrest so that me/Connie and Sarah could use them and then I had to exit the stage at a certain position so Melody could retrieve the machete for her next scene. We successfully managed to plan how we were going to handle it and it worked well during the rehearsal.

Pole placement during the opening sequence was also very important so that we each knew exactly where our pole would be for the 3rd fight sequence when the Prologue is describing the battle of the brothers so we could move confidently and quickly to keep the pace of the movement high and so it didn't look confused or messy as there is a lot of movement/cross overs in that sequence. Then after we finished that sequence, making sure the poles were right up against the edge of the stage so they weren't in the way for the rest of the play.
