
Showing posts from July, 2017

Frantic Assembly Workshop

Wednesday 12th July Link:

Tribes - Directing Workshop

Saturday 8th July (above) Page from Sheffield Theatres' website Photos of my notes and the performance of Tribes Link:

Final Performance - Brief Analysis

Monday 3rd + Wednesday 5th July One example where I think we were successful in using Berkoff's style was in the section where the Woman describes answering the door to find the boy's mother outside (picture below). In this section of choreography we used synchronized and enlarged group movement to mime opening a door and also used exaggerated facial expressions to show her reaction. As well as this, we punctuated the dialogue with staccato, defined actions accompanied by vocal sound effects, similar to what we learned from doing 'East'. I think that this was an effective use of a number of Berkoff's techniques that aided the storytelling of the dialogue and create visual humor and emphasis for the audience at the same time. However, I would also say that personally I think I missed some opportunities in my performance to fully create the physical and exaggerated character that is central to Berkoff's performance style. Due to the more subdued nature ...

Woman Alone - Full Run

28th June Link:

Woman Alone - Costume

19th + 21st June Here are some examples of the kinds of make-up Berkoff uses in his performances. From our research, our group has decided we will all use the white, mask-like base (left) for all of the characters and then define the different sub-personalities using lipstick colour, drawn on eyebrows, blush and any eye make up etc.     I like the way in which the actress in the centre picture has used the white make-up to cover her real eyebrows and then drawn them on in a different shape. This style of exaggerated, drawn in eye make up could be something we use for the ditsy/gossipy personality of the woman in our piece. I think it really adds to the effect of the actor using make up as a kind of mask, the shape of her eyebrows give her a set, almost surprised expression which could be quite effective in our piece to set the tone for each of the different characters' personalities. Link: ...