Woman Alone - Costume

19th + 21st June

Here are some examples of the kinds of make-up Berkoff uses in his performances. From our research, our group has decided we will all use the white, mask-like base (left) for all of the characters and then define the different sub-personalities using lipstick colour, drawn on eyebrows, blush and any eye make up etc.

I like the way in which the actress in the centre picture has used the white make-up to cover her real eyebrows and then drawn them on in a different shape. This style of exaggerated, drawn in eye make up could be something we use for the ditsy/gossipy personality of the woman in our piece. I think it really adds to the effect of the actor using make up as a kind of mask, the shape of her eyebrows give her a set, almost surprised expression which could be quite effective in our piece to set the tone for each of the different characters' personalities.
